Avatar in Concert
November 19 2024I didn’t discover the Avatar The Last Airbender animated show until just a few years ago as an adult. It has quickly become one of my favorite stories of all time, and our entire family enjoy watching it. The story is satisfying and rich. It has now become one of the shows that we rewatch time and time again. So I jumped at the chance to hear the music of Avatar live in concert.

The concert is actually in chronological order, going from small episodes, characters, and themes, from season 1 all the way to the end of season 3. Each song was about 2-4 minutes in length. The music in the show always felt more like a background concern, but here, it was definitely front and center. There were only a small handful of musicians, maybe around 20, so it was amazing how much sound they could make.
They actually encouraged the crowd to cheer and express themselves, so this wasn’t a usual stuffy orchestra concert. There were cheers in all the usual places, such as when the various characters made their entrances (Toph probably got the loudest cheer). My favorite moment is when they did a short episode on Jet and Katara’s brief attraction to him, and the crowd immediately erupted in laughter.
The group also knows what they are doing. They saved the Cave of Two Lovers for the encore, and they encouraged the entire crowd to sing along. My overall impression of this concert is this is probably the most that I’ve smiled and laughed over a 2 hour period. As a side note, we also spent $200+ on merch, with each member of the family getting a shirt and a concert poster for a souvenir.
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